Sprain of Strain

Supportive Management

  • Reduce swelling and pain for the first 24 – 48 hours of the injury.
    • Limit movement involving the injured area.
    • Put no weight on the injured area for 48 hours.
    • Apply cold pack on the injured area for no longer than 20 minutes at a time, 4 – 8 times a day. A cold pack can be made at home by wrapping an ice pack (plastic bag filled with ice) or several ice cubes in a towel.
    • Keep the injured area elevated on a pillow and above the level of the heart.
  • Take care of your cast or splint. Below are only but general guidelines. If your physician had provided instructions on how to care for your cast or splint, make sure to follow them all.
    • Keep cast or splint dry.
      • Protect it with two layers of plastic whenever bathing.
      • Never dip the extremity with cast or splint on water.
    • If skin inside the cast itches, do not attempt to put foreign objects inside the cast to scratch it. Use a hair dryer instead and set it to provide cool air on the skin.
    • Do not apply moisturizer, lotions, and oil on your skin near the cast.
    • Do not remove the padding that comes with the splint or cast.
    • Do not trim the edges of the cast.
    • Do not let dirt stay inside the splint or cast.

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Herbal Medicine

Tanglad Roots with Coconut Oil Liniment

  • Crush the tanglad roots in coconut oil. Apply externally on painful area.


  • Roast or heat a slice of luya and apply externally on painful area.

Bawang, Luya, and Siling Labuyo Oil

  • Heat in coconut oil equal parts of chopped bawang, luya, and crushed siling labuyo. The proportion for coconut oil and the combined dried ingredients (bawang, luya, and siling labuyo) is 1:1. For 10-15 minutes, heat the mixture together, and then strain. Apply the oil externally on painful area.


Consult Doctor If

  • You are experiencing severe pain and cannot put any weight on the injured joint.
  • The injured area looks crooked or has lumps and bumps (other than swelling) that is not visible on the uninjured joint.
  • The injured joint feels stiff and cannot be mobilized.
  • Any part of the injured area feels numb.
  • Redness is spreading out from the injury.
  • You are unsure about the seriousness of the injury or how to care for it.
