Rebound Headache

Supportive Management

  • With a doctor’s advice, stop taking your pain medication for headache or gradually lessen its dose.
    (Note: Upon stopping use of pain medication, the headache will get worse before it gets better)  
  • Avoid taking coffee, tea, chocolate, and soda as they may also contribute to rebound headaches.


  • Do not take more than the recommended daily dosage of pain medication to relieve your headache.
  • Do not take analgesics (e.g. aspirin, acetaminophen) more than 15 days a month.

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Herbal Medicine

  • Oregano
    • Pound some fresh leaves, extract the juice, and apply externally on painful area.
  • Yerba Buena
    • Pound some fresh leaves, extract the juice and apply externally on painful area.
  • Luya
    • Roast or heat a slice of luya and apply externally on painful area.
  • Garlic
    • Crush a clove of garlic and apply externally to both temples.
  • Lagundi
    • Pound the lagundi leaves and apply on forehead.
  • Sambong
    • Crush sambong leaves and mix with coconut oil or cooking oil. Apply on forehead.
  • Pandan Liniment
    • Pandan or pandang mabango can either be used. Crush the leaves of the plant and mix them with oil. Apply externally on painful area.


Other Complementary and Alternative Therapy

  • Acupressure
    • Acupressure is traditional healing art which uses the fingers, palms, elbows, or feet to apply pressure on the body’s healing points (acupoints) in order to restore the life force energy of the body, improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and ultimately, to improve health.
    • Please visit the following link containing a video demonstration on alleviating headache using acupressure:
  • Acupuncture
    • This should be done under the guidance of a trained acupuncture practitioner. It gives headache relief by releasing the natural painkillers from the brain through the insertion of fine needles through the skin.

Consult Doctor

  • If it takes more than the recommended daily dosage of pain medication to ease your headache.
  • If you take pain medications for headache more than twice a week.
  • For alternative pharmacological treatments to alleviate headache.
