
Supportive Management

  • Use a pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses with prescription that is most accurate.
  • Have better lighting in the home. Turn on lights or add more lights to improve vision.
  • Use a magnifying glass to be able to read better.
  • Use sunglasses that are anti-glare or those that block ultraviolet B (UVB) rays.
  • Wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat or visor to reduce glare from sunlight.


  • Quit smoking.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol use.
    *Note: 1 drink is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer or 5 ounces of wine
  • If male: do not have more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day
  • If female: do not have more than 1 alcoholic drink per day
  • Avoid spending too much time under the sun without wearing sunglasses than block UV rays.
  • Manage other health conditions that may increase risk for development of cataract (e.g. diabetes mellitus)
  • Have regular eye check-ups. If with no underlying health condition that affects the eye (e.g. diabetes mellitus), see ophthalmologist at least once in 2 years until 50 years old. After 50 years old, set an appointment with an ophthalmologist yearly.

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Herbal Medicine

  • Anti-oxidant-rich foods
    • For protection of eyes from oxidative stress that causes cataracts; for prevention or delay of progression of cataract; for promotion of eye health
    • Consume varieties of fruits and vegetables. Consume by eating liberally or by including in cooked meals.
      • Lutein-rich foods: mango, carrots, corn, dark leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, squash
      • Zeaxanthin-rich foods: orange, corn, orange bell pepper, honeydew melon
      • Vitamin-A-(Beta-carotene)-rich foods: dark leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, carrots
      • Vitamin-C-rich foods: citrus fruits (calamansi, orange, orange, grapes, lemon), broccoli, tomatoes, berries
      • Vitamin-E-rich foods: avocado, sweet potato, almonds, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, broccoli, papaya
      • Zinc-rich foods: spinach, kidney beans, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds


Consult doctor:

  • For appropriate diagnosis and management.
