Supportive Management

  • Be assured that the condition usually goes away on its own after several weeks or months without treatment (average of 10 weeks).
  • Avoid sudden head movements (as these trigger vertigo). Move your head slowly and gently especially whenever getting out of bed and rolling over in bed. Avoid doing work that involves you looking upwards. As much as possible, keep your head still.
  • During vertigo attacks:
    • Stay in bed and lie still or take a sit.
    • Avoid bright lights.
    • Avoid watching television or reading.
    • Avoid driving and avoid operating machinery.

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Herbal Medicine

  • Gingko Biloba Supplement
    • For vertigo
    • Choose a high-quality gingko biloba supplement, that which contains 24% ginkgo heterosides or gingkolisides. Take 250 mg daily until the vertigo is reduced in frequency and severity. When the vertigo is significantly reduced, take a maintenance dose of 40 – 60 mg daily.
  • Salabat
    • For dizziness and nausea
    • In an uncovered non-aluminum saucepan, add three middle-finger-sized luya and 500 mL of water. Boil in low heat for 15-minutes. Strain. Drink throughout the day. May add calamansi and honey for flavor.
  • Dalanghita
    • For dizziness and nausea
    • Squeeze fresh dalanghita rind/peel and inhale.
  • Dayap
    • For nausea and vomiting
    • Squeeze fresh dayap rind/peel and inhale.
  • Calamansi Rind/Peel
    • For nausea
    • Squeeze fresh calamansi rind/peel and inhale.
  • Suha Rind/Peel
    • For nausea
    • Squeeze fresh suha rind/peel and inhale.
  • Coconut Water
    • For fluid and electrolyte replacement (if vomiting)
    • For every 2 glasses of plain coconut water, add 2 glasses of clean water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and ¼ teaspoon of salt. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Take as needed.

Other Complementary and Alternative Therapy:

  • Acupressure for vertigo
    • Acupressure is traditional healing art which uses the fingers, palms, elbows, or feet to apply pressure on the body’s healing points (acupoints) in order to restore the life force energy of the body, improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and ultimately, to improve health.
    • Please visit the following link containing a video demonstration on alleviating and preventing vertigo using acupressure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08wC9GU5MQY


Consult doctor if:

  • Your symptoms don’t spontaneously subside after several months or years.
  • Your nausea and vomiting could not be controlled, thus, leading to dehydration (symptoms include: extreme thirst, less frequent urination, dark-colored urine, fatigue, confusion).
